Fairly cheap

This is surprisingly good! Make sure you get very thick bacon with as little fat as possible. I buy from the meat department and each piece is about the thickness of two quarters stacked on top of each other.

Category: Desserts
Cuisine Type American


For 15 Person(s)


8 slice(s) Bacon, thick cut, About 1 lb.
0.25 cup(s) Bourbon
1 tsp(s) Honey
0.5 cup(s) Bourbon
14 oz(s) Baking Chololate
0.25 tsp(s) Cayenne Pepper

Chocolate Covered Bourbon Bacon Directions

  1. Preheat the oven to 400° F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  2. Combine the bourbon and honey. Place the bacon on the foiled baking sheet and pour the bourbon mixture over the bacon. Flip the bacon to allow both sides to get coated with the bourbon and honey glaze.
  3. Bake for 12 minutes depending on the bacon's thickness. If you are using a high proof bourbon the oven door may blow open at about 10 minutes. Keep your face protected whenever you open the oven door. At 12 minutes, remove the baking pan and flip the bacon. Return to the oven for 6 minutes. After 6 minutes, remove the pan and place the bacon on a rack in the pan which will allow the grease to drip off the bacon.  You can also use a broiler pan. Return the pan for an additional 6 minutes. At this point it should be almost done. The times are approximate there are three factors which will require more or less cooking; the bacon thickness, the amount of fat on the bacon strips and the accurate oven temperature.
  4. Cut into 1 inch pieces. Place in a bowl and cover with bourbon. Refridgerate for a few hours or over-night.
  5. Melt the 7 oz(s) of chocolate in a double boiler. Chocolate holds its shape so you must continuely stir it. Stir in the cayenne pepper and add the remaining chocolate.
  6. Cover the bottom of a small frying pan with the bacon pieces. Add about a Tablespoon of the bourbon the bacon was soaking in. Pan fry each piece of bacon until the bourbon evaporates and the bacon is perfectly done. As each piece is done place it on a paper towel. Do not dry the bacon pieces. Allow them to cool slightly.
  7. Using a fork, place each piece in the melted chocolate and coat it well. Carefully place each coated piece onto wax paper. 
  8. Place the wax paper with chocolate bacon in a refridgerator to harden.
  9. Once hardened, place in an airtight container an store in the refridgerator.

Nutrition facts

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